How To Create Content For Your Website

How to Create Content for Your Website

We have taken the key principles to create content and made this short checklist (with explanations) so you can easily save, follow, and execute the ideas below.

With content on your website being one of the strongest indicators to Google these days that you are an authority on the subject at hand, it’s important to express that through your writings on the subject. 


When someone visits your site, it’s especially useful to know where they came from, geographic information about them, where they clicked, how long they stayed, and many other ‘actions’ they took.

This data helps you move forward with your business, project, or hobby in the right direction. There are many free tools and techniques you can use (and paying ones, of course), but Google provides you with the most up-to-date and accurate ones. These are free and give you a wealth of information at your fingertips.

I would start with setting up your Google Search Console profile, which will help you monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your site’s presence in Google Search results.

Following that, Google Analytics is the go-to platform to get all the stats on your website (and more). You’re able to get insights into how users find and use your site. It’s one of the most accurate resources you will find to track your ROI (return on investment) and online marketing activities. 

Another useful implementation is the tracking pixel. This is an HTML code snippet that is activated when a visitor enters your website or clicks through from an email. This gives us insight into tracking user behavior and conversions.

Through a tracking pixel, advertisers can earn data for online marketing, web analysis, or email marketing. Various advertising platforms have tracking pixels, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These and all other tracking pixels are installed the same way and offer similar functionality.

The Facebook tracking pixel is the most popular pixel connected to advertising, so we’ll highlight that one.


When thinking about what type of content you should put on your website, it’s easy to get lost without knowing where to start or what information to communicate.

It’s important to always talk about your product or service and offer the most useful ‘takeaways for your visitor. And then hopefully you can turn this visitor into a user (of your product) or a client (of your service). This is also done well on your social media profiles, where you can tell a story and gain followers. Build your community This gives you a customer who is ready to listen each time you post again 

Now you may have heard about this before, but when you produce ‘evergreen content’ you can show Google that YOUR content is king. Evergreen content is information that is always relevant — very much like the way evergreen trees keep their leaves throughout the year.

When you create content that is interesting and relevant, it doesn’t become dated. This is important so that you can be found online by search engines and hopefully other websites will want to create a link to you.

Websites that create links to you only increase your popularity within Google’s eyes, giving you an extra push up the SERPs (Search Engine Page Results). 

The following topics should give you a great starting point: They are guaranteed winning angles to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Beginner’s Guides (like this one!) 
  • General ‘How To’ Guides
  • Data and statistics (geographical or otherwise)
  • Product Reviews (and then updating them periodically or with new product versions)
  • Case Studies
  • The History of Something
  • Reference Books Relevant to Your Market
  • Rethink a Common Viewpoint
  • Your (or someone you know’s) Failure Stories
  • A Success Story (which can be yours or someone you know)
  • Lists (these never get boring)
  • Top Tips for People to Understand Your Industry
  • Best Practices
  • Checklists (make it downloadable too)
  • Pros and Cons of a Subject
  • Refresh and Update Old Content 
  • Curate Content
  • Drill-down on a Sub-Niche
  • Series of Tutorials (a lot of people looking for help on the web)
  • Strategies for Common Problems
  • Interviews With Famous People 
  • Encyclopedia Entries
  • Storytelling
  • Definitions, Glossaries, and Acronyms (becoming more popular)
  • Detailed Reviews and Testimonials from Client

Now that you have the topics & plan, let’s move on to the actual core of the article.


Think of your content piece as a pyramid of keywords. You will have a single focus keyword or key phrase at the top, and under it will be ‘almost’ exactly matching keywords with slight differences.

Under that will be closely related synonyms, while beneath that will be loosely related synonyms and content arrangements. This concept keeps expanding as far as you can go, but in the end, you get the gist of it. 

To solve a problem in your article is one of the biggest drawcards to a visitor reading your content. The top three of all searches online are questions. If you write answers to someone’s question, not only will this become valuable to them, but it will also be valuable to many others.

You may even score a backlink, which will boost your popularity in Google’s eyes

The more your answer is found, liked, shared, linked to, and even quoted, the more Google will rank the page above other similar content. It’s a win/win!

We all know that the most memorable way to store information is when you hear it in story form. So, what’s to stop you here? Take your content and write it as if you were telling your best friend about your biggest passion.

Give it a strong opening, dig deep into the topic, elaborate on a point, frame it with easy-to-remember names, places, emotions, and words, and summarize its thoughts into a well-executed ending. 

One important thing to remember is that the length of your page closely affects its natural ranking. Google LOVES pages with 2000+ words and these will commonly rank on page one of the Google search results! 

It is understood that when speaking on a topic, you should always combine industry jargon and terminology in context. The main purpose of this article is for you to be seen as an industry expert, right?

Someone who’s an authority on the subject?

In doing so, when you release your next article, you will already have a captive audience from before. 

To strengthen your position, it’s a great tactic to bring in other industry experts. This shows a collective thought on the subject and adds weight to your stance as an authority.

A quick and effortless way is to reference them with a quote and link to the source but there is no limit to creative cross-collaborations. 

Internal backlinking is an especially important strategy to keep in mind. Play with your anchor texts from stronger, older pages and link to this newer, fresher piece of content. This again shows relevance to Google as well as the onsite linking structure.

The more you can help navigate the users around your site to the content they want to read about, the more it shows you care about their full journey. 

A rule of thumb (as hard as it may be) is to stay far away from your content being too ‘pitchy’ or ‘salesy’. In this day and age, it feels like everyone is trying to see something. Offer value rather than try to sell. If you work on the 90/10 rule, you will see much more retention of brand value with longevity as an authoritative source. Keep this up and the benefits will strongly outweigh the once-off (potential) sale.

If there is one thing you can be sure of, it’s the data. Trust the data! But don’t just trust it; follow the data too. You can base all your decisions, strategies, planning, etc on real-world information about how visitors used your site, where they went, how long they spent, which pages were read the most and so much more.

It is this data that helps you create content that stands out, increases your success rate, and actually adds value to an ever-growing user base.

This is where Google Analytics comes into its own, as they hold a goldmine of data for you to go through. Once you learn that software, you will have a much stronger direction, feeling more confident with each step. When they say knowledge is power, it really is with analytical data.   


Now, if you come to a point where your content gets outdated, there is no reason to delete it, as you can now create an even stronger page. Google sees outdated content that gets an update as even more valuable than if it was submitted for the first time.

Not only do you have all the link juice, authority, and page history, but now by refreshing it, you’re telling Google that you are keeping the page relevant. Continued work on a page just communicates your continued focus on the content’s relevancy. Modifying a change in focus, expertise, or growth, reflects this new point of view (new knowledge).

Many times, you will also be getting comments from your visitors, and this is a wonderful time to address those. Getting feedback (positive or negative) is just one extraordinarily strong validation point for your information. You can turn these into more content pieces, distributed in widgets or sidebars.  


A particularly important part of this process is that once you have attracted and won over the visitor, it would be a shame to have wasted all that effort and lost them.

This is your chance to ‘keep’ them for life. Of course, nothing is eternal (except maybe taxes) but adding in a call to action on every page is your starting point to building your database. This can be done in various ways:

  • Enticing them to sign up for your daily, weekly, monthly newsletter
  • Offering times or dates to schedule a consultation
  • Highlighting the social media accounts, so they can choose which would be best to follow
  • Presenting an opportunity to let you know what they think in the comments section

This is a wonderful way you can stay in touch with your new, developing community. Popular ways are with an email newsletter, your social media accounts, phone calls, Facebook (or other online) ads, etc.

One thing is for sure, you now have a strong piece of targeted content, relevant to a multitude of people. These people are now engaged in your offering, your community is building, and your tribe is growing. 

Pat yourselves on the back!        


Located in the heart of Johannesburg, our office sits in the affluent area of this metropolitan city. Sandton has been developed into one of the top financial districts in the country. All of the nation’s top investment banks and financial consultants have chosen Sandton as the head office. Some notable companies include Massmart and Nedbank. You can also find one of the biggest convention centres of the African continent in Sandton. The Sandton Convention Centre is a twelve storey building built to accommodate up to 10,000 people at any one time. Some of the most prolific annual events are held at this convention centre.

Johannesburg has now transitioned from being a gold mining city to becoming one of the most multicultural and vibrant cities in the continent. Home to one of the world’s largest urban forest and art gallery, this is a progressive city that Kadima Digital is proud to call one of our homes.


Located in southern Europe, a part of our team resides in Lisbon, the capital of PortugalLisbon boasts breathtaking scenery and a rich culture, and has become a hotspot for startups and other successful businesses. Companies such as Volkswagen, Tyson and Capgemini are examples of major international businesses established here. With Portugal being ranked 7th in the world for English proficiency, as well as being relatively cost-friendly, it’s no wonder so many entrepreneurs and CEOs are venturing towards its capital. Lisbon offers some of the most beautiful views in the world, and is a definite contender for the next big tech and business hub. With its world-class infrastructure, incredible culture, and high standard of living, there is no shortage of  experiences to be had.

Tel Aviv

Located in the heart of the middle east, our head office sits in Tel Aviv, Israel. This little country is home to more startups per capita and some very well known tech companies, including Payoneer, Walkme and Riskified. In the most recent years, the thriving tech scene has drawn many venture capitalists and startup founders to the city.

Besides its mature business ecosystem, Tel Aviv is also known to be one of the best cities for nightlife and international cuisine. The cultural heritage combined with its modern sensibilities makes it the ideal environment for Kadima Digital to connect with forward-thinking brands and business leaders. It is our pride and honor to call the world’s most innovative tech hub our home.